I have no idea how Misdirection is supposed to work, love it though I do. Does the hunter shoot someone, then yell loudly "Holy crap, Mr. Tank, I can't believe you shot that guy!" while pointing at me? Perhaps the rogue using Tricks whispers into the mob's ear that I told him to stab right in the buttcheeks? How does Vigilance work? Oh, sweet Vigilance, how do you work? I suppose as long as you keep working I shouldn't question you too much, Vigilance, and yet I must know. I often imagine myself lumbering over to a gnome warlock and saying in an insanely deep voice "Little friend, do not anger Jaraxxus so with your shadowbolting and your demon summoning, I will be watching you" before waggling a finger at her. She of course proceeds to light him up, sweetcheeks. "That is correct, large eredar moron, I told her to do that!"
So now we come to you. Is it Shield of the Righteous? Flight Form? The ability to equip polearms? Intervene? Blink? Thunderstorm? (I can't resist singing AC/DC's "You've been THUNDERSTRUCK" when I cast that spell.) Conflagrate, Death and Decay, maybe it's Prayer of Mending? (Who doesn't love PoM really? Bing!) What facet or ability of your class or classes just makes your day?
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